Litera I (118):
Okładka | Wykonawca | Album | Rok | Gatunek | Typ |
Il Volo [I] | Musica | 2019 | classical crossover | L | |
Illdisposed [DK] | Four Depressive Seasons | 1993 | death metal | L | |
Illdisposed [DK] | Return From Tomorrow Attitudes And Long Term Adjustment Of Patients Surviving Cardiac Arrest | 1994 | death metal | L | |
Illdisposed [DK] | Submit | 1995 | death metal | L | |
ILLSEY, John [GB] | VIII | 2022 | folk rock | L | |
Illusion [GB] | Out Of The Mist | 1977 | progressive rock | L | |
Illusion [GB] | Illusion | 1978 | progressive rock | L | |
Illusion [US] | The Illusion | 1969 | psychedlic rock | O | |
Illusion Of Safety [US] | Water Seeks Its Own Level | 1994 | industrial/abstract/noise | L | |
Illusion Of Safety [US] | Bad Karma | 1998 | industrial/abstract/noise | L |