Rok wydania
DiscReet Records Inc.
Nr. katalogowy
DS 2203
Czas trwania p造ty
Gatunekhard rock
Utwory1. Lady Luck (5:57)
2. Living In The Woods (3:54)
3. Hibernation (9:19) I
4. Free Flight (5:57)
5. Maybelline (3:28)
6. The Great White Buffalo (4:57)
7. Sasha (3:06)
8. No Holds Barred (4:48) Muzycy
Ted Nugent - guitars, vocals and percussion
Rob Grange - bass guitar
Vic Mastrianni - drums and percussion
Andy Jezowski and the Crusted Warblers - back up vocal
The Rev. Atrocius Theodosius - lead vocal and one finger guitar solo (5)
Produced by Lew Futterman, Ted Nugent and Jon Child
1974 (DiscReet 2203) LP (US) (39:32)
(DiscReet 59205) LP (GB)
wersja podstawowa - robocza
basic version - working version