Loud Jazz Band [PL] - |
Rok wydania2017 WytwórniaPolskie Radio SA. Nr. katalogowyPRCD 1362 Czas trwania p³yty55:45 Gatunekjazz Utwory1. Sketches Of Mine (8:02)
Miros³aw "Carlos" Kaczmarczyk - guitars
Ingeborg Torneberg - vocals on "The Giant Against The Girl"
All music by Miros³aw "Carlos" Kaczmarczyk
Produced by Miros³aw "Carlos" Kaczmarczyk
Recorded at Studio im A.Osieckiej Polskie Radio Program III /July 26-29, 2016/
Design, photography & illustrations by Kuba Kar³owski - Park Lane
Vocals on "The Giant Against The Girl" recorded by Marius Stegegjerde-Kristiansen at Sparkle Sound Studios, Norway.
Classical guitar on "Mindfulness" & percussion on "Sketches Of Mine", "The Giant Against The Girl" and "The New People" recorded by Kuba Or³owski at Tralalab Studio, Warszawa, Poland.
Turning and preparation of a Grand Piano duriing recording session:
Executive producer/Polskie Radio/: Wojciech Kwapisz
Loud Jazz Band Management: Agata Stachów