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COL 494238 6
Czas trwania p³yty
Gatunekhip hop
Utwory1. Und Täglich Grüssen Fanta Vier / Romantic Fighters (1:23)
2. 30 Mark (0:41)
3. MfG
4. Hammer
5. Die Stadt, Die Es Nicht Gibt (4:30)
6. 0.29 (0:31)
7. Alles Schon Gesehen (4:25)
8. Michi Beck In Hell
9. Home Again (0:44)
10. Le Smou (4:38)
11. Weiter Als Du Denkst (5:22)
12. Millionen Legionen
13. Schmock (4:16)
14. FunkYms (1:46)
15. Hoffnung (5:05)
16. Buenos Dias Messias (4:31)
17. Gute Nacht (0:57)
+ enchanced CD-RomMuzycy
DJ Hausmarke (Michael Beck) - turntable
Thomas D. (Thomas Dürr) - MC
Andy Y. (Andreas Rieke) - keyboards, sequencer
Smudo (Michael B. Schmidt) - MC
Human beat box by Smudo (1)
Additional keyboard by Ralf Goldkind (3)
Additional string arrangement by Martin "Philadelphia" Johnson (3,11)
Sitar, guitar and background vocals by Ralf Goldkind (4)
Rhodes by Hausmarke (4,5,11,12,15,16)
Drums and timbales by Florian Dauner (5)
Flute and guitar by Ralf Goldkind (7)
Gospal choir by Mary Forbes, Kathrin Haug, Keith M´Lyn, David Whitley (10)
Gospal choir arrangement by Peter Hoff (10)
Violin by Kerstin Dill (10)
Cello by Georg Betzweiler (10)
Guitar by Ralf Goldkind (10,12,16)
Drums by Florian Dauner (12)
Mandolin by Thomas D. (12)
Actionguitarhit by Ralf Goldkind (13)
Chorus by Komi Togbonou (15)
Produced by Andy Y. and Hausmarke
1999 (Columbia COL 494238 6) CD (D/A) (58:19)
1999 (Columbia 88697544922) CD (D/A) (73:06)
1999 (Columbia / Sony BMG Music COL 494238 1) 2LP (D)(58:03)