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New World Music
Nr. katalogowy
NWCD 496
Czas trwania p³yty
Gatunekworld music/religious
Utwory1. The Power Of Grace (4:38)
2. Spiritual Rhythms (20:13)
3. Energize! (6:15)
4. Illumination (8:012)
5. Dance Of Affirmation (11:26)
6. Benedictions (10:32)
Muzycy John Richardson (Jayadev) (3.05.1947 Dagenham, Essex, England)
Dabuki (1),
Doholla (1),
Djembe played with hands and sticks (1),
Korg Keyboard (1),
Vocal solo and Block Vocals (1),
Japanese Djembe Quasimidi Polymorph by Roland (2),
All instruments and vocals (3,5,6),
Doholla Dabuki Bass Djembe Tenor Djembe Bodhran. Played with malletts. Clay Udu Pot (3),
Drums and block harmonies (4),
Keyboard Quasimide Polymorph (5),
Korg Roland JV30 (5),
Monochord (both strings & flat wooden surface played) Dejembe. Doholla (5),
Drum Loop Roland DM5 (6),
Korg Keyboard (6),
Heartbeat generated from Quasimide Polymorph 4 Alexis echo (6)
Gary Davies - Les Paul Guitar (2)
Siddhartha (Scott Richardson) - Fender Bass guitar (2), Lead Vocals (4)
Pia Richardson - Lead Vocals (4)
John Richardson - Keyboard Quasimide Polymorph (4)
All music written and produced by John Richardson